
interface BlockSoundGroup

The sounds that a block will make when specific actions are taken, such as breaking it, stepping on it, or falling on it.


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@get:JvmName(name = "breakSound")
abstract val breakSound: SoundEvent

The sound that is played when the block is broken.

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@get:JvmName(name = "fallSound")
abstract val fallSound: SoundEvent

The sound that is played when the block falls.

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@get:JvmName(name = "hitSound")
abstract val hitSound: SoundEvent

The sound that is played when the block is hit.

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@get:JvmName(name = "pitch")
abstract val pitch: Float

The pitch that the sounds in this group will be played at.

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@get:JvmName(name = "placeSound")
abstract val placeSound: SoundEvent

The sound that is played when the block is placed.

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@get:JvmName(name = "stepSound")
abstract val stepSound: SoundEvent

The sound that is played when the block is stepped on.

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@get:JvmName(name = "volume")
abstract val volume: Float

The volume that the sounds in this group will be played at.