Package-level declarations


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A command that is backed by a Brigadier LiteralCommandNode.

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interface Command

A command that can be sent by a Sender, such as a player or the ConsoleSender.

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The context of a command execution.

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interface CommandManager

The command manager is responsible for registering, unregistering, and keeping track of commands.

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interface CommandMeta

Holds metadata for a Command.

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interface ConsoleSender : Sender

The sender for the org.kryptonmc.api.Server. This is the sender that is used by the console.

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A command that may be invoked with arbitrary arguments.

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A command that passes its arguments as a single string, without processing the input.

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interface Sender : Audience, Subject

A sender is an interface representing the sender of a command.

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A command styled after the convention popularised by Bukkit and BungeeCord.


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@Contract(value = "_, _, _ -> this", mutates = "this")
inline fun <S, T> LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>.argument(name: String, type: ArgumentType<T>, builder: RequiredArgumentBuilder<S, T>.() -> Unit): LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>

Adds a new argument command node with the given name and type to this literal, applying the given builder to the node and returning this builder as the result.

@Contract(value = "_, _, _ -> this", mutates = "this")
inline fun <S, T, T1> RequiredArgumentBuilder<S, T>.argument(name: String, type: ArgumentType<T1>, builder: RequiredArgumentBuilder<S, T1>.() -> Unit): RequiredArgumentBuilder<S, T>

Adds a new argument command node with the given name and type to this argument, applying the given builder to the node and returning this builder as the result.

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@Contract(value = "_, _ -> this", mutates = "this")
inline fun <S> LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>.literal(name: String, builder: LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>.() -> Unit): LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>

Adds a new literal command node with the given name to this literal, applying the given builder to the node and returning this builder as the result.

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@Contract(value = "_, _ -> new", pure = true)
inline fun <S> literalCommand(name: String, builder: LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>.() -> Unit): LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>

Creates a new Brigadier literal argument builder with the given name, applying the given builder to it and returning the result.