A player that is connected to the server and playing the game.
Adds the given entity as a passenger of this entity.
Converts this subject to its equivalent Adventure permission checker.
Kicks the player with the given text shown.
Ejects all passengers from this entity.
Ejects this entity from it's vehicle.
Gets the equipment item that this mob has equipped in the given slot.
Gets the item that this equipable holds in the given hand.
Gets the value for the given permission.
Checks if this subject has the given permission.
If this entity is a passenger of another entity.
If this entity is currently fully submerged under water, meaning its entire hitbox must be under water.
Removes the given entity as a passenger of this entity.
Resets the scoreboard shown to the player back to the default one.
Sends the given resource pack to this player.
Shows the given scoreboard to this player, hiding the old scoreboard this player was viewing from them.
Spawns particles for this player relative to a location.
Makes this player start gliding (elytra flying).
Makes this player stop gliding (elytra flying).
The amount of absorption this living entity has.
The address that the player is currently connected from.
The current bounding box of this entity. This is used to determine the area in which an entity can be interacted with, also known as a hitbox.
If this player can place and break blocks with no delay.
The custom name of the entity. May be null if the custom name has not been set.
The display name of this entity in their current team, if they are in a team.
The distance this entity has fallen.
The time that this user first joined the server.
The current speed at which this player can fly at.
The food exhaustion level of this player.
The food saturation level of this player.
The amount of ticks this entity has been freezing for.
If this entity is affected by gravity.
If this user has joined this server before.
The inventory of this player.
If the current custom name is visible or not.
If this entity is in a riptide spin attack.
If this entity is invisible.
If this entity should not take damage from any source.
If this entity is on terra firma.
If this entity is sneaking.
If this entity is sprinting.
If this entity is swimming.
If this entity is currently using an item.
The cooldown tracker for this player.
The last time, in ticks, this entity was damaged.
The latest time when this user last joined the server.
The inventory that this player currently has open.
The passengers this entity currently has.
The cached game profile associated with this user.
This value can mean one of two things, depending on if the value is positive or negative.
The scoreboard currently being shown to this player.
The settings for the player.
The current position this entity is sleeping at.
The statistics tracker for this player.
How this member will be represented in a team.
The amount of ticks this entity has existed for.
The type of this entity.
The current speed at which this player can walk at.