Package-level declarations


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A type of particle that uses a block texture for its appearance.

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A type of particle that uses a colour for its appearance.

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A type of particle that can have velocity applied in a direction.

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A type of particle that uses a colour and scale for its appearance.

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A type of particle that uses a colour and scale for its appearance, and transitions from one colour to another.

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A type of particle that uses an item texture for its appearance.

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A type of particle that uses a specific note value for its colour appearance.

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interface ParticleEffect

Holds information used to spawn particles for a player.

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@CataloguedBy(catalogue = ParticleTypes::class)
interface ParticleType : Keyed

A type of particle effect.

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@Catalogue(type = ParticleType::class)
object ParticleTypes

All of the built-in vanilla particle types.

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A particle type that scopes the return of the builder.

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A type of particle with basic options available.

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A type of particle that vibrates from one location to another in a given amount of ticks.


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@Contract(value = "_, _ -> new", pure = true)
inline fun <B : Base<B>, T : Scoped<B>> particleEffect(type: T, builder: B.() -> Unit): ParticleEffect
@Contract(value = "_, _ -> new", pure = true)
inline fun <B : Base<B>, T : Scoped<B>> particleEffect(type: RegistryReference<T>, builder: B.() -> Unit): ParticleEffect

Creates a new particle effect with the given type and the result of applying the given builder.