
interface ParticleEffect

Holds information used to spawn particles for a player.

This effect is entirely immutable, and so is safe for both storage and reuse.

Effect instances can only be created through particle effect builders (any subclass of BaseParticleEffectBuilder).


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@get:JvmName(name = "data")
abstract val data: ParticleData?

The extra data for this effect.

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@get:JvmName(name = "longDistance")
abstract val longDistance: Boolean

If the distance of this effect is longer than usual.

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@get:JvmName(name = "offset")
abstract val offset: Vec3d

The offset vector from the spawn location of this effect.

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@get:JvmName(name = "quantity")
abstract val quantity: Int

The amount of this effect that should be spawned.

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@get:JvmName(name = "type")
abstract val type: ParticleType

The type of this effect.