Package-level declarations


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interface Event

A marker interface that indicates that a class is an event.

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interface EventFilter<E : Event, H>

A filter for a specific type of event.

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interface EventListener<T : Event>

A listener (handler) for an event type.

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interface EventNode<T : Event>

A single node in an event tree.

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The root node of the server's event node tree.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class Listener

Used to indicate that the target function is a listener for an event.


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Creates a new event listener builder for events of the given event type T.

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inline fun <E : Event, H> EventFilter.Companion.create(handlerGetter: Function<E, H>?): EventFilter<E, H>

Creates a new event filter for the given event type E and handler type H on the event, using the given handlerGetter, if given, to get the handler object from the event.

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inline fun <T : Event> EventListener.Companion.of(crossinline handler: (T) -> Unit): EventListener<T>

Creates a new event listener that listens for events of the given event type T, running the given handler when an event of the correct type is fired.

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inline fun <T : Event, E : T> EventNode<T>.registerListener(handler: Consumer<E>)

Registers an event listener for the given event type T to this event node, calling the given handler when the event is fired.