Event Node
A single node in an event tree.
A node may contain any number of children and/or listeners. When an event is called on a node, the node will first check if it has any listeners for the event, calling those first, then the event will propagate down the tree to all children of the node, in order of their priority.
If an event in the tree is cancelled, it will not propagate to any other nodes, and its dispatching will be considered complete. No further event listeners will receive the event.
Every event node has a name, which should be uniquely identifiable, and will be useful for debugging, as well as identifying the node in the tree.
Checks if this event node has a listener for the given event type.
Registers the given event listener to this event node.
Registers all event listeners in the given listenerClass to this event node.
Removes the given node as a child of this event node.
Unregisters the given event listener from this event node, meaning it will not be called when an event that it listens for is fired.
Unregisters all listeners in the given listenerClass from this event node.