
An objective for a scoreboard, that has optional criteria that must be met, and information about what it's called and how it should be rendered.


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interface Builder

A builder for objectives.


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abstract fun getOrCreateScore(member: Component): Score

Gets the score for the given member, or creates a new score if the member does not have a score.

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abstract fun getScore(member: Component): Score?

Gets the score for the given member, if the member has a score.

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abstract fun removeScore(member: Component): Boolean

Removes the score for the given member, if the member has a score.

abstract fun removeScore(score: Score): Boolean

Removes the given score, if it exists on this objective.


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abstract val criterion: Criterion

The criterion that must be met for this objective.

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abstract var displayName: Component

The name that is displayed on the scoreboard to clients.

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abstract val name: String

The name of this objective.

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The setting for how this objective should be displayed on the scoreboard.

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abstract val scoreboard: Scoreboard

The scoreboard that this object is bound to.

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abstract val scores: Collection<Score>

All the scores on this objective.