
data class Position(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double, val yaw: Float, val pitch: Float) : Record

A position with coordinates and rotation.

This is primarily used to represent the position of an entity in a world.


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constructor(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)

Creates a new position with the given x, y, and z coordinates.

constructor(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Float, pitch: Float)


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object Companion


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fun add(amount: Double): Position

Adds the given amount to this position and returns the result.

fun add(other: Position): Position

Adds the given other position to this position and returns the result.

fun add(other: Vec3d): Position
fun add(other: Vec3i): Position

Adds the given other vector to this position and returns the result.

fun add(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double): Position

Adds the given x, y, and z values to this position and returns the result.

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fun asVec3d(): Vec3d

Converts this position to an equivalent double vector.

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fun asVec3i(): Vec3i

Converts this position to an equivalent integer vector.

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fun blockX(): Int

Gets the block X coordinate of this position.

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fun blockY(): Int

Gets the block Y coordinate of this position.

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fun blockZ(): Int

Gets the block Z coordinate of this position.

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fun chunkX(): Int

Gets the chunk X coordinate of this position.

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fun chunkZ(): Int

Gets the chunk Z coordinate of this position.

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Gets a unit vector pointing in the direction that this position is facing.

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fun distance(other: Position): Double

Calculates the distance between this position and the given other position.

fun distance(other: Vec3d): Double
fun distance(other: Vec3i): Double

Calculates the distance between this position and the given other vector.

Calculates the distance between this position and the given x, y, and z values.

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Calculates the squared distance between this position and the given other position.

Calculates the squared distance between this position and the given other vector.

Calculates the squared distance between this position and the given x, y, and z values.

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fun divide(factor: Double): Position

Divides this position by the given factor and returns the result.

fun divide(other: Position): Position

Divides this position by the given other position and returns the result.

fun divide(other: Vec3d): Position
fun divide(other: Vec3i): Position

Divides this position by the given other vector and returns the result.

Divides this position by the given x, y, and z values and returns the result.

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fun multiply(factor: Double): Position

Multiplies this position by the given factor and returns the result.

Multiplies this position by the given other position and returns the result.

fun multiply(other: Vec3d): Position
fun multiply(other: Vec3i): Position

Multiplies this position by the given other vector and returns the result.

Multiplies this position by the given x, y, and z values and returns the result.

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fun subtract(amount: Double): Position

Subtracts the given amount from this position and returns the result.

Subtracts the given other position from this position and returns the result.

fun subtract(other: Vec3d): Position
fun subtract(other: Vec3i): Position

Subtracts the given other vector from this position and returns the result.

Subtracts the given x, y, and z values from this vector and returns the result.

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open override fun toString(): String
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Creates a new position with the given x, y, and z coordinates and the rotation of this position.

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fun withLookAt(target: Vec3d): Position

Creates a new position with the rotation such that they are looking at the given target vector.

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fun withPitch(pitch: Float): Position

Creates a new position with the given pitch.

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fun withRotation(yaw: Float, pitch: Float): Position

Creates a new position with the given yaw and pitch and the coordinates of this position.

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Creates a new position with the given x component.

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Creates a new position with the given y component.

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Creates a new position with the given yaw.

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Creates a new position with the given z component.


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The rotation on the X axis.

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val x: Double

The X component.

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val y: Double

The Y component.

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val yaw: Float

The rotation on the Y axis.

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val z: Double

The Z component.