Block Change Flags
A set of flags used to determine what happens when a block is changed.
Performs a bitwise AND operation between this set of flags and the given other set of flags.
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on this set of flags.
Performs a bitwise OR operation between this set of flags and the given other set of flags.
Creates a new set of flags with the given blockMoving setting.
Creates a new set of flags with the given lighting setting.
Creates a new set of flags with the given neighbourDrops setting.
Creates a new set of flags with the given notifyClients setting.
Creates a new set of flags with the given updateNeighbours setting.
Creates a new set of flags with the given updateNeighbourShapes setting.
If the block change considers that blocks can be moved in the world.
If blocks can be destroyed as a result of updating neighbour shapes.
If clients with the block in render distance should be notified of its update.
If neighbours should be updated when the block is updated.
If observer blocks should be updated.