Book Meta
Contains shared metadata between WritableBookMeta and WrittenBookMeta.
Creates new item metadata with the given modifier added to the list of modifiers for this item.
Creates new item metadata with the given attribute modifiers.
Creates new item metadata with the given can destroy blocks.
Creates new item metadata with the given can destroy blocks.
Creates new item metadata with the given custom model data.
Creates new item metadata with the given damage.
Creates new item metadata with the given hide flag set.
Creates new item metadata with the given hide flags.
Creates new item metadata with the given modifier removed from the list of modifiers for this item.
Creates new item metadata without any modifiers.
Creates new item metadata without the given hide flag set.
Creates new item metadata with the given unbreakable setting.
All of the attribute modifiers that will be applied to entities holding items with this metadata.
All of the blocks that the item can destroy.
All of the blocks that the item can be placed on.
The custom model data for the item.
If the item cannot be broken.