
@CataloguedBy(catalogue = Blocks::class)
interface Block : StateHolder<BlockState> , BlockLike, ItemLike, Translatable, Keyed

A block with certain properties.

These are immutable and do not contain any state-specific information, such as the world or location they are in, so they can be easily reused in many places, which from a technical standpoint, reduces allocations, but also makes them much more thread-safe.


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open override fun asBlock(): Block

Gets the block representation, or null if there is no block representation.

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abstract fun asItem(): ItemType

Converts this object to its item representation.

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abstract fun canRespawnIn(): Boolean

If this block can be respawned inside of.

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abstract fun getProperty(name: String): Property<*>?

Gets the property with the given name for this holder, or returns null if there is no property with the given name for this holder.

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abstract fun hasBlockEntity(): Boolean

If this block has an associated block entity.

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abstract fun hasGravity(): Boolean

If this block has gravity.

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abstract fun key(): @NotNull Key
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abstract fun translationKey(): @NotNull String


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@get:JvmName(name = "availableProperties")
abstract val availableProperties: @Unmodifiable Collection<Property<*>>

All of the properties that can be set on the states of this holder.

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@get:JvmName(name = "defaultState")
abstract val defaultState: BlockState

The default state that this holder will appear in.

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@get:JvmName(name = "explosionResistance")
abstract val explosionResistance: Double

How resistant this block is to explosions. Higher means more resistant.

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@get:JvmName(name = "friction")
abstract val friction: Double

The friction of this block.

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@get:JvmName(name = "soundGroup")
abstract val soundGroup: BlockSoundGroup

The group of sounds for this block.

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@get:JvmName(name = "states")
abstract val states: @Unmodifiable List<BlockState>

All of the states that this holder can be in.