Package-level declarations
An attribute that can be applied to an item that modifies a specific attribute on an entity that has the item this attribute is applied to equipped.
The rarity of an item. This determines what colour the lore text appears as when the tooltip is read.
A stack of items in an inventory.
Something that can be represented by an item stack.
Represents a type of item.
This file is auto-generated. Do not edit this manually!
Creates a new item stack from the result of applying the given builder function.
Creates a new item stack with the given type, amount, and meta of the given type P built from the given meta builder of the given type B.
Creates a new item stack with the given type, amount, and the result of applying the given builder function.
Gets the metadata for this item stack as the given type I, or returns null if the metadata could not be casted to the given type I.
Applies the given builder function to the metadata builder for this builder.
Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new meta builder created with the given type P.
Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new item metadata builder.