
A stack of items in an inventory.


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For building new ItemStacks.

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object Companion
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interface Factory


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open fun asHoverEvent(): @NotNull HoverEvent<HoverEvent.ShowItem>
abstract fun asHoverEvent(@NotNull op: @NotNull UnaryOperator<HoverEvent.ShowItem>): @NotNull HoverEvent<HoverEvent.ShowItem>
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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
open fun grow(amount: Int): ItemStack

Grows the amount of this item stack by the given amount and returns the resulting item stack.

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abstract fun <I : ItemMeta> meta(type: Class<I>): I?

Gets the metadata for this item stack as the given type I, or returns null if the metadata could not be casted to the given type.

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inline fun <I : ItemMeta> ItemStack.meta(): I?

Gets the metadata for this item stack as the given type I, or returns null if the metadata could not be casted to the given type I.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
open fun shrink(amount: Int): ItemStack

Shrinks the amount of this item stack by the given amount and returns the resulting item stack.

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@Contract(value = "-> new", pure = true)
abstract fun toBuilder(): @NotNull ItemStack.Builder
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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
abstract fun withAmount(amount: Int): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with the given amount.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
open fun withMeta(builder: Consumer<ItemMeta.Builder>): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new item metadata builder.

@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
abstract fun withMeta(meta: ItemMeta): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with the given meta.

@Contract(value = "_, _ -> new", pure = true)
open fun <B : ItemMetaBuilder<B, P>, P : ItemMetaBuilder.Provider<B>, ItemMeta> withMeta(type: Class<P>, builder: Consumer<B>): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new meta builder created with the given type.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
@JvmName(name = "withMetaGeneric")
inline fun <B : IMB<B, P>, P : IMP<B>, ItemMeta> ItemStack.withMeta(builder: B.() -> Unit): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new meta builder created with the given type P.

@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
inline fun ItemStack.withMeta(builder: ItemMeta.Builder.() -> Unit): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with meta retrieved applying the given builder to a new item metadata builder.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> new", pure = true)
abstract fun withType(type: ItemType): ItemStack

Creates a new item stack with the given type.


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@get:JvmName(name = "amount")
abstract val amount: Int

The amount of items in this stack.

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@get:JvmName(name = "meta")
abstract val meta: ItemMeta

The metadata for this item stack.

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@get:JvmName(name = "type")
abstract val type: ItemType

The type of item in this stack.