
@CataloguedBy(catalogue = ItemTypes::class)
interface ItemType : ItemLike, BlockLike, Translatable, Keyed

Represents a type of item.


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abstract fun asBlock(): Block

Gets the block representation, or null if there is no block representation.

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open override fun asItem(): ItemType

Converts this object to its item representation.

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abstract fun key(): @NotNull Key
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abstract fun translationKey(): @NotNull String


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@get:JvmName(name = "canBreak")
abstract val canBreak: Boolean

If items of this type actually take damage when they use or break blocks.

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@get:JvmName(name = "drinkingSound")
abstract val drinkingSound: SoundEvent

The sound that items of this type will make when they are drank.

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@get:JvmName(name = "durability")
abstract val durability: Int

The maximum amount of things items of this type can use/break before they break.

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@get:JvmName(name = "eatingSound")
abstract val eatingSound: SoundEvent

The sound that items of this type will make when they are eaten.

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abstract val isEdible: Boolean

If items of this type can be eaten.

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abstract val isFireResistant: Boolean

If items of this type are resistant to fire, meaning they won't burn up when thrown in to any source of fire, such as standard fire or lava.

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@get:JvmName(name = "maximumStackSize")
abstract val maximumStackSize: Int

The maximum amount of this item type that can be stacked in a single item stack.

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@get:JvmName(name = "rarity")
abstract val rarity: ItemRarity

The rarity of the item.