
@CataloguedBy(catalogue = Registries::class)
interface Registry<T> : Iterable<T>

A holder for registry entries.



the registry entry type



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abstract fun containsKey(key: Key): Boolean
abstract fun containsKey(key: ResourceKey<T>): Boolean

Checks if the given key has a registered value in this registry.

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abstract fun entries(): Set<Map.Entry<ResourceKey<T>, T>>

Gets the set of entries registered in this registry.

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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in T>)
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abstract fun get(key: Key): T?

Gets a value by its namespaced key, or null if there is no value associated with the given key.

abstract fun get(key: ResourceKey<T>): T?

Gets a value by its resource key, or null if there is no value associated with the given key.

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abstract fun getKey(value: T): Key?

Gets a namespaced Key by its value, or null if there is no key associated with the given value.

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abstract fun getResourceKey(value: T): ResourceKey<T>?

Gets the ResourceKey for the given value, or null if there is no key associated with the given value.

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abstract fun getTagValues(key: TagKey<T>): TagSet<T>?

Gets the tag values for the given key, or returns null if there are no tag values associated with the given key.

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abstract operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun keys(): Set<Key>

Gets the set of keys registered in this registry.

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abstract fun registryKeys(): Set<ResourceKey<T>>

Gets the set of registry keys registered in this registry.

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abstract fun size(): Int

Gets the size of this registry, which is the number of registered elements.

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abstract fun stream(): Stream<T>

Creates a new stream of the elements in this registry.

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abstract fun tagKeys(): Set<TagKey<T>>

Gets the set of keys for all the registered tags in this registry.

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abstract fun tags(): Collection<TagSet<T>>

Gets the set of keys for all the registered tags in this registry.


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abstract val key: ResourceKey<out Registry<T>>

The registry key for this registry.