
data class BoundingBox(val minX: Double, val minY: Double, val minZ: Double, val maxX: Double, val maxY: Double, val maxZ: Double) : Record

An area in 3D space defined by two sets of points, a minimum and a maximum.

This area forms a box, which can be used for collision detection. If a bounding box intersects with something, we know that the two objects are colliding.

This is immutable, and as such, any method that would alter the state of the bounding box returns a new instance with the requested changes.


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constructor(min: Vec3d, max: Vec3d)

Creates a new bounding box with the given min and max values.

constructor(min: Vec3i, max: Vec3i)

Creates a new bounding box with the given min and max values.

constructor(minX: Double, minY: Double, minZ: Double, maxX: Double, maxY: Double, maxZ: Double)


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object Companion


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fun center(): Vec3d

Gets a vector representing the center of this bounding box on the X, Y, and Z axes.

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Checks if the given x, y, and z values are inside the bounds of this box.

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fun contract(amount: Vec3d): BoundingBox

Contracts this bounding box by the given amount and returns the result.

Contracts this bounding box by the given x, y, and z amounts and returns the result.

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fun deflate(factor: Double): BoundingBox

Deflates this bounding box by the given factor and returns the result.

Deflates this bounding box by the given x, y, and z amounts and returns the result.

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fun expand(amount: Double): BoundingBox
fun expand(amount: Vec3d): BoundingBox

Expands this bounding box by the given amount and returns the result.

Expands this bounding box by the given x, y, and z amounts and returns the result.

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fun inflate(factor: Double): BoundingBox

Deflates this bounding box by the given factor and returns the result.

Inflates this bounding box by the given x, y, and z amounts and returns the result.

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Intersects this bounding box with the given other box and returns the result.

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Checks if this bounding box intersects with the given other box.

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fun max(): Vec3d

Gets the maximum vector of this bounding box.

Gets the maximum value on the given axis.

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fun min(): Vec3d

Gets the minimum vector of this bounding box.

Gets the minimum value on the given axis.

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fun move(amount: Double): BoundingBox
fun move(amount: Vec3d): BoundingBox

Moves this bounding box by the given amount and returns the result.

Moves this bounding box by the given x, y, and z amounts and returns the result.

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fun size(): Vec3d

Gets a vector representing the size of this bounding box on the X, Y, and Z axes.

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Calculates the total size of this bounding box.

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fun volume(): Double

Calculates the volume of this bounding box.


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The maximum X value.

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The maximum Y value.

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The maximum Z value.

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The minimum X value.

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The minimum Y value.

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The minimum Z value.