
A builder for biomes.


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@Contract(value = "-> new", pure = true)
abstract fun build(): @NotNull Biome
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@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
open fun climate(builder: Consumer<Climate.Builder>): Biome.Builder

Applies the given builder to a new climate builder and sets the climate to the built instance.

@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
abstract fun climate(climate: Climate): Biome.Builder

Sets the climate of the biome to the given climate and returns this builder.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
inline fun Biome.Builder.climate(builder: Climate.Builder.() -> Unit): Biome.Builder

Applies the given builder to a new climate builder and sets the climate to the built instance.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
open fun effects(builder: Consumer<BiomeEffects.Builder>): Biome.Builder

Applies the given builder to a new effects settings builder and sets the effects settings to the built instance.

@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
abstract fun effects(effects: BiomeEffects): Biome.Builder

Sets the effects settings for the biome to the given effects settings and returns this builder.

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@Contract(value = "_ -> this", mutates = "this")
inline fun Biome.Builder.effects(builder: BiomeEffects.Builder.() -> Unit): Biome.Builder

Applies the given builder to a new effects settings builder and sets the effects settings to the built instance.