All the built-in game rules.
If advancements should be announced to the server.
If false, blocks will always drop from explosions. If true, whether a block drops from an explosion is determined randomly depending on how far the block is from the centre of the explosion.
Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands.
Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra.
Whether raids are disabled.
Whether blocks should have drops.
Whether the day-night cycle and moon phases progress.
Whether entities that are not mobs should have drops.
Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish.
Whether Players should respawn immediately without showing the death screen.
Whether phantoms can spawn in the night-time.
Whether Players can only craft recipes they have unlocked.
Whether Mobs should drop items.
Whether Mobs should naturally spawn.
Whether patrollers will go out on patrol (typically in a raid).
Whether wandering traders will naturally spawn.
Whether wardens will spawn when triggered by sculk shriekers.
Whether the weather will change.
Whether entities should take drowning damage.
Whether entities should take fall damage.
Whether entities should take fire damage.
Makes angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby.
Whether entities should take freezing damage.
Whether sound events that can be heard by all players regardless of location, such as the end portal lighting sound, are allowed to play.
Whether Players should keep items in their inventory after death.
Whether new sources of lava are allowed to form.
Whether to log admin commands to server log.
The total number of chain commands that can run during a single tick.
The maximum number of other pushable entities a mob or player can push, before taking 3 suffocation damage per half-second.
If false, blocks will always drop from explosions. If true, whether a block drops from an explosion is determined randomly depending on how far the block is from the centre of the explosion.
Whether Mobs should be able to change blocks and pick up items.
Whether Players can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc.).
The percentage of players that must be sleeping to skip the night.
How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick.
Whether the debug screen shows all or reduced information.
Whether the feedback from commands executed by a Player should show up in chat.
Whether a message appears in chat when a Player dies.
The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player will spawn in when first joining a server or when dying without a spawn point.
Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks.
If false, blocks will always drop from explosions. If true, whether a block drops from an explosion is determined randomly depending on how far the block is from the centre of the explosion.
Makes angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player, not just the player that angered them.
Whether new sources of water are allowed to form.