Represents a loaded world.
Gets the block at the given position.
Gets the block at the given coordinates.
Gets all entities of the given type contained within this container.
Gets the fluid at the given position.
Gets the fluid at the given coordinates.
If the world is a hardcore world.
If this world is currently thundering (has an ongoing thunderstorm).
Sets the block at the given coordinates to the given block.
This world's border.
All of the chunks currently loaded in this world.
The difficulty of this world.
The dimension resource key for this world.
The dimension that this world is.
All of the entities currently in this world.
All of the players currently in this world.
The registry holder for this world.
The scoreboard for this world.
The spawn location of this world.
The level of the current thunderstorm (0 if there is no thunderstorm going on).